Transition to Adulthood Home > About > Six Essential Resources > Roadmap > County Specific Resources
Thank you Sonoma County Vintners!

This Transition to Adulthood Guide was funded by a grant from Sonoma County Vintners Foundation. Our Matrix families and many other families will benefit from this valuable resource. Be sure to check out the Sonoma County Vintners Community Connection page and their Facebook page.
How to Use this Resource Guide
This resource is best viewed on a desktop computer.
Matrix Parent Advisors are parents of children with special needs – and a few of us are traveling down the Transition to Adulthood road. We’re overwhelmed, excited, scared, and learning, all at the same time. We get it. It’s a lot to absorb.
To help you navigate this path, we’ve created a one-stop shop for parents and young adults, with all the resources you’ll need.
We suggest you start by selecting the “Six Essential Resources” on the “Transition to Adulthood Home” page. These resources will give you an overview of the Transition to Adulthood process and its components..
Then visit “Roadmap to Resources”. This page lists valuable resources to guide you through the who, what, when, where, and how of this process. You can download an interactive Roadmap (PDF) or explore the individual links on the Roadmap page. For example:
- Course of Study: Diploma vs Certificate of Completion
- Building an effective ITP (Individual Transition Plan) as part of the IEP (Individual Education Plan)
- Transition Assessments to determine strengths and interests
- Developing goals and activities to prepare for Education or Training, Employment, and Independent Living
There is also a County Specific Resources section that includes the four counties Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center serves: Sonoma, Napa, Solano, and Marin.
Explore away! Matrix has developed this site with lots of love and care. Don’t feel like you have to look at everything at once. It’s meant to be taken in steps to prevent information overload.
Our goal is to provide families of children and young adults with special needs with a comprehensive resource for Transition to Adulthood. Resources will be added and edited frequently. Our plan is to start a parents’ page where fellow travelers can share resources they’ve found helpful. Stay tuned for that.
Please remember that you are not alone. Our Parent Advisors are standing by to help, chat, or just listen. Call us on our Helpline 800.578.2592. Happy trails!
Copyright @ 2024 Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center. All rights reserved.
www.matrixparents.org Matrix Parent Network & Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.