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Understanding Conservatorship: Will it be Part of Transition to Adulthood for Your Young Adult?

Home » News and Events » Archived Trainings » Understanding Conservatorship: Will it be Part of Transition to Adulthood for Your Young Adult?

September 25, 2018 – September 25, 2018

94 Galli Drive, Suite C,

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Join us as we welcome attorney Alexis Lynch

young adult writing

Conservatorship is an important step for families of a special needs child transitioning into adulthood. In order to maintain the legal rights to make important decisions concerning your child’s care, such as place of residence, medical treatment and educational placement after age 18, you need to be appointed conservator by a judge.

This workshop will provide an overview of what conservatorship entails and the steps necessary for being appointed a conservator through the local courts.

EVENT TIME: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
