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Advocate for Your Child

Home » Advocate for Your Child

You are your child’s best advocate. Effective advocacy is a learned skill and one that can make a positive difference in services for your child with disabilities.

Effective advocacy involves these seven skills:

  1. Taking care of yourself
  2. Learning about your child’s disabilities
  3. Learning about systems and laws that support families
  4. Preparing, organizing and planning for meetings
  5. Building your communication skills
  6. Understanding yourself and others by getting perspective
  7. Contributing to creative problem solving

Learn the facts, get involved, and let your voice be heard!

  • Build your skills by attending one of our trainings or workshops.
  • Access websites and publications — Learn how to effectively advocate for your child with disabilities
  • Practice Democracy  — Tips on how to effectively communicate your concerns to your elected representatives
  • Contact your State and Federal legislators — Let your representatives and elected officials know how you feel about changes that impact our families and children
  • Learn about your local SELPA and CAC — Get informed about your Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and join your Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC).
  • Know about the California Statewide Special Education Task Force

Stay Current

The following organizations offer information on current legislative issues both Federal and State.

Advocacy Resource Page

Here is our main Advocacy Resource page, containing Matrix Packets, Help! Sheets, Materials from Other Organizations and Websites.