Sorry…all spaces are full for Sensory-friendly Santa / Lo siento…todos los espacios están llenos para Santa Sensorial Amistoso
Sensory-friendly Santa is coming to Marin Saturday, December 7, 2019
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Brought to you by Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center, Professionals Empowering Parents (PEP), All Children Academics. We are grateful to our new sponsors, Hennessy Funds Cornerstone Value Fund, Project Awareness and Special Sports, Marin Collaborative Assessment, and Romero Canyon Leather and Spectrum Surf Camps for supporting Matrix and this wonderful event. Thank you to Good Earth Natural Foods, Rustic Bakery and Five Little Monkeys for donating gift cards.
Many families face challenges during the holiday season. Festive events can be overwhelming, especially for children who have special needs. This year Matrix is partnering with PEP (Professionals Empowering Parents) and All Children Academic to bring Sensitive Santa to Marin. This event gives children with special needs an opportunity to sit with our Sensitive Santa for a special holiday moment. Donations are encouraged to ensure we can continue providing this event for years to come. Happy holidays to all!
Calm Environment with Sensory Friendly Playground and Therapy Dogs from Marin Humane
An Understanding Santa and Professional Photo
It’s a Whole-family Affair!
Exciting Raffle Prizes with donations benefitting Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center
This FREE event is on December 7, 2019 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Thank you again to our new sponsors for helping to make this wonderful event possible.

- Hennessy Funds Cornerstone Value Fund
- Project Awareness and Special Sports
- Marin Collaborative Assessment
- Romero Canyon Leather
- Spectrum Surf Camps
For more information contact Colleen Arnold Ed.D.
El Santa Sensorial Amistoso, viene a Marin el sábado 7 de Diciembre de 2019. Traído a usted por Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center, Professionals Empowering Parents (PEP), All Children Academics, y Hennessy Funds Cornerstone Value Fund, Project Awareness and Special Sports, Marin Collaborative Assessment, Romero Canyon Leather and Spectrum Surf Camps.
Muchas familias enfrentan desafíos durante la temporada de los dias festivos. Los eventos festivos pueden ser abrumadores, especialmente para los niños que tienen necesidades especiales. Este año, Matrix se asocia con PEP (Professionals Empowering Parents) y All Children Academic para llevar a Santa Sensible a Marin. Este evento brinda a los niños con necesidades especiales la oportunidad de sentarse con nuestro Santa sensible para un momento especial festivo. Se les anima hacer donaciones para garantizar que podamos continuar ofreciendo este evento en los próximos años. ¡Felices fiestas a todos!
- Ambiente tranquilo con un patio de juegos acogedores sensoriales y terapia de perros de Marin Humane
- Un Santa comprensivo y una foto profesional
- ¡Es toda una aventura Familiar!
- Emocionantes rifas con donaciones que benefician a Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center
Este evento GRATUITO es el 7 de Diciembre del 2019 de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m.
Para más información contacte a Colleen Arnold Ed.D.