News and Events
Connect with other parents and learn how to best support your children and their special needs. / Conéctese con otros… Continue Reading
Our Matrix Office will be closed on Monday, September 4, for the Labor Day Holiday / Nuestra oficina de Matrix estará cerrada el Lunes 4 de Septiembre por el feriado del Día del Trabajo.
All of us at Matrix wish you an enjoyable Labor Day Holiday. / Todos nosotros en Matrix le deseamos unas… Continue Reading
Nuestro equipo fue calentado y guiado a una fantástica carrera de 5 km por HM1 (Ayudante Médico Hospitalario de Primera Clase) LaToddvin Washington (U. S. Navy) and Sergeant Anthony Flores of the (U. S. Marine Corps)
El entrenador Eduardo Pérez hizo un trabajo increíble entrenando al equipo y nos entristece que no haya podido asistir y… Continue Reading
Our team was warmed up and guided to a fantastic 5K race by HM1 (Hospital Corpsman First Class) LaToddvin Washington (U. S. Navy) and Sergeant Anthony Flores (U. S. Marine Corps)
Coach Eduardo Perez did an awesome job training the team and we are sad he was unable to attend and… Continue Reading
Matrix Mighty Milers is Really all about our Families / Matrix Mighty Milers Realmente se trata de nuestras Familias
Our families showed up to support their kids and race with them. They made all the difference. Nuestras familias se… Continue Reading
Gracias a TODOS nuestros Voluntarios
Desde el fondo de nuestro corazón… gracias a todos por estar ahí para hacer de Matrix Mighty Milers 2023 un… Continue Reading
Thank you to ALL of our Volunteers
From the bottom of our hearts…thank you all for being there to make Matrix Mighty Milers 2023 a success. This… Continue Reading
Support for Matrix Mighty Milers = Support for our Programs / Apoyo para Matrix Mighty Milers = Apoyo a nuestros Programas
Thank you Santa Rosa Marathon, Ventures Endurance and Santa Rosa Sports Basement for supporting Matrix Mighty Milers! / ¡Gracias Santa… Continue Reading
Santa Rosa Marathon festivities started at the Expo at the Sports Basement
Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center had a table at the Santa Rosa Marathon Expo. We are grateful to the… Continue Reading
Invest in our Families and our Matrix Community / Invierta en Nuestras Familias y Nuestra Comunidad Matrix
The Matrix Mighty Milers 5K race is TOMORROW!/ ¡La carrera Matrix Mighty Milers 5K es MAÑANA! Donate to Bailey Arnold’s… Continue Reading
Community Power and Prepare for Fire Season. Marin CIL is here to help!
PREPARE: Fire season can be overwhelming but the best thing you can do is to make a plan to follow… Continue Reading
Resources for Before, During and After Wildfires / Antes, Durante y Después de un Incendio Forestal
Living in California, we often hear fire engine sirens and smell wildfire smoke. THERE ARE THINGS WE CAN DO TO… Continue Reading