Attend CAC (Community Advisory Committee) or SEAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) meetings or join as a member!
Be a parent Special Education leader. California Education Code requires each SELPA to have a Community Advisory Committee for Special Education whose members are both parents and professionals. CACs have several functions including advising the SELPA on Special Education and providing parent education.

Contact your Local SELPA
Let Your Voice be Heard! Attend Special Education parent meetings. CAC meetings are open to the public. See list of county contacts below and check with your SELPA for meeting times, dates and locations.
Dates, times, locations and additional meetings are subject to change. Please view the CAC or SEAC websites below for the most current information. You can also check our calendar for your county’s SELPA CAC meeting.
SELPA CACs in Marin, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties and El Dorado Charter*
Marin County SEAC
Gavin Pugsley, Administrative Secretary
Email: gpugsley@marinschools.org
Tel: (415) 499-5875
SELPA/SEAC webpage: https://selpa.marinschools.org/
Napa County CAC
Lily Prudhomme, SELPA Administrative Assistant/MIS Technician
Email: lprudhomme@napacoe.org
Tel: (707) 253-6807
SELPA webpage: https://www.napacoe.org/selpa/
CAC webpage: https://napacoe.org/selpa/community-advisory-committee-cac/
Solano Unified School District CAC www.solanocountyselpa.net/parents/cac
Monica Hurtado, Executive Assistant
Email: mhurtado@solanocoe.net
Tel: 707.399.4460
SELPA webpage: https://www.solanocountyselpa.net/
CAC webpage: https://www.solanocountyselpa.net/parents/cac
Sonoma CAC: https://sonomaselpa.org/info/cac
Sarah Ponsford, CAC President
Norma Leiva-Fernandez, Division Support Assistant
Email: nleiva-fernandez@sonomaselpa.org
Tel: (707) 524-2752
SELPA website: https://sonomaselpa.org/
CAC webpage: https://sonomaselpa.org/info/cac
Brochure, English
Folleto, Español
Vallejo City SELPA CAC
Email: specialeducation@vcusd.org
Tel: (707) 556-8921 ex. 50130
SELPA webpage: https://vcusd-ca.schoolloop.com/sped
Brochure, English
Folleto, Español
El Dorado Charter SELPA CAC
Contact: https://charterselpa.org/contact/
SELPA webpage: https://charterselpa.org/contact/
Brochure, English
Folleto, Español
Watch a brief video on YouTube about the SELPA 2023 Inclusion Awards from the The Napa County Office of Education. / Mire un breve video en YouTube sobre los Premios de Inclusión SELPA 2023 de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Napa.
SELPA CACs in Northern California Counties
Alpine (Tahoe-Alpine) LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan)
Debbie Amacker, Administrative Assistant
Email: damacker@ltusd.org
Tel: (530) 541-2850 ext. 1048
CAC webpage: https://www.alpinecoe.k12.ca.us/District/593-Untitled.html
Amador County CAC
Maia Ginnelly, CAC Chair
Anne Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Email: astewart@acusd.org
Tel: (209) 257-5308
CAC webpage: https://amadorcoe.org/community-advisory-committee-meetings/
Butte County CAC
Julie Romeo, CAC Chair
Email: selpasupport@bcoe.org
CAC webpage: https://buttecountyselpa.org/info/community-advisory-committee
Colusa County CAC
Aaron Heinz, Associate Superintendent, Administrative Services
Email: aheinz@ccoe.net
Glenn County SELPA
Jacki Campos, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, SELPA Director
Email: jcampos@glenncoe.org
Tel: 530.934.6575 ext. 3201
CAC webpage: http://www.glenncoe.org/Departments/Student-Services/SELPA/SELPA-CAC/index.html
Lake County CAC
Holly Ari, SELPA Admin Assistant
Email: hari@lakecoe.org
Tel: (707) 262-4131
CAC webpage: https://www.lakecoe.org/Page/2240
Lassen County CAC
Debbie Ceaglio, Admin Assistant
Email: dceaglio@lcoe.org
SELPA webpage: http://www.lcoe.org/Departments/Special-Education/index.html
Mendocino County SELPA
Teresa Erickson, Program Secretary
Email: terickson@mcoe.us
Tel: (707) 467-5176
SELPA website: https://www.mcoe.us/about-mcoe/selpa/
Modoc County CAC
Michele Barber, CAC Chair
Monica Hays, Administrative Assistant
Email: mhays@modoccoe.org
Tel: (530) 233-7110
SELPA webpage: http://www.modoccoe.k12.ca.us/special-education
Shasta County CAC
Robert Brown, Chairperson
Email: shastacac@gmail.com
Tel: (530) 225-0100(530) 225-0100
Sonoma CAC
Sarah Ponsford, CAC President
Norma Leiva-Fernandez, Division Support Assistant
Email: nleiva-fernandez@sonomaselpa.org
Tel: (707) 524-2752
CAC webpage: https://www.sonomaselpa.org/pub/selpa_docs/cac.html
Brochure, English: https://www.sonomaselpa.org/res_files/Sonoma_CAC-2021-22_Brochure-accessible.pdf
Folleto, Español: https://www.sonomaselpa.org/res_files/20-21_CAC_Brochure_Sp.pdf
Sutter County CAC
Jesana Tran, Chairperson
SELPA Tel: 530-822-2910
SELPA webpage: https://sutterselpa.org/Governance/Community-Advisory-Committee/index.html
Tehama County CAC
Veronica Coates, SELPA Director
Email: vcoates@tehamaschools.org
Tel: (530) 527-8614
CAC webpage: https://www.tehamaschools.org/Departments/SELPA/Community-Advisory-Committee/index.html
Yolo County CAC
Paul Bridge, Chairperson
Blythe Contrereas, Administrative Assistant
Email: blythe.contreras@ycoe.org
Tel: (530) 668-3786
Yuba County CAC
Lora Gonzalez, SELPA Director
Email: lora.gonzalez@yubacoe.k12.ca.us
Tel: (530) 749-4873
CAC webpage: https://www.yubacoe.org//site/default.aspx?PageID=255