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Matrix Resources for the Early Years

Posted on July 1, 2020

And now something for the Little Ones / Y ahora algo para Los Pequeños. Unirnos Juntos para Ayudarnos a no… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Information and Resources from DDS

Posted on June 24, 2020

General information about COVID-19 and resources from the Department of Developmental Services. Some of the resources are translated into Spanish,… Continue Reading

New Q&As issued by U.S. Department of Education:

Posted on June 23, 2020

New Q&As issued by U.S. Department if Education: IDEA Part B Dispute Resolution in COVID-19 Environment Q&A Documents (PDF) IDEA… Continue Reading

Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheets

Posted on June 22, 2020

Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheets, including a sample Virtual IEP Agenda. This collaborative effort across OSEP-Funded Projects is hosted on… Continue Reading

Extension of Early Start Services

Posted on June 16, 2020

Title: Extension of Early Start Services Author: Department of Developmental Services Subject: Extension of Early Start Services Created Date: 6/15/2020… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Resources: Online eNews from Matrix with Curated Links

Posted on June 15, 2020

Check out our Collection of COVID-19 Resources / Consulte nuestra Colección de Recursos COVID-19 Recursos COVID-19: ENews en línea de… Continue Reading

Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California’s Public Schools

Posted on June 13, 2020

School opening guidance from California Department of Education. This guidance was created through the statewide reopening schools task force that… Continue Reading

¡Condado De Solano Distribucion De Panales Y Toallitas De Limpieza, 16-18 de Junio!

Posted on June 11, 2020

First 5 Solano se está asociando con seis sitios en todo el condado de Solano para distribuir pañales y toallitas… Continue Reading

Solano County Drive-Through Diaper & Wipe Pick Up, June 16-18!

Posted on June 11, 2020

First 5 Solano is partnering with six sites across Solano County to distribute diapers & wipes to families with young… Continue Reading

Learn more about the Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (OCRA)

Posted on June 9, 2020

Golden Gate Regional Center is proud to present… Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy Monday, June 15, 2020, 11:00 am –… Continue Reading

No Estas Solo. Estamos Aquí Contigo.

Posted on June 2, 2020

Un mensaje para Nuestra Comunidad Matrix: En Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center estamos con la comunidad Afroamericana en solidaridad… Continue Reading

You are Not Alone. We Are Here With You.

Posted on June 2, 2020

A message to our Matrix Community: At Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center we stand with the African American community… Continue Reading