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For Professionals

Home » For Professionals

There are a number of complex health, education, and emotional issues for families when caring for a child with special needs. As a professional, you may not always have the time or expertise (in a field outside your own) to provide that support to a family. Matrix Parent Network is here to help bridge that gap. We are happy to assist a family directly by providing Parent Advisor services, or deliver a training to a group of professionals. Frequently requested training opportunities are listed online or contact us if you would like to customize a training to meet your specific needs.

We work with medical professionals, schools, social service providers and policy makers to collaboratively help families achieve the best outcomes for everyone involved. You may refer a family to us, or we may refer a family to you!

Make a Referral

Please complete the referral and send according to the instructions provided on the form. Parent Signature must be included. This form is in both English and Spanish (on page 2).

Download Matrix Parents Referral Form (pdf)

Matrix Referral Form

When You Refer to Us

  • It is typically because a family needs additional resources outside your field of expertise
  • We provide reliable, accurate information using person first, family-friendly language
  • Our services are confidential and free of charge to families
  • Families are contacted by a Parent Advisor within 72 hours
    There are no eligibility requirements (we serve families regardless of diagnosis with a child up to age 26)
  • Beyond a Parent Advisor, families can be connected to Parent to Parent support, an evidence-based practice to assist families by matching them with a unique source of expertise: other families who have children with similar needs, concerns, and challenges

Matrix Parent Network staff serve on various disability advisory committees. We stay informed and give families accurate information regarding health care policies and systems change. At each of these meetings and in our day-to-day work we come to the table bringing an inclusive, family-centered perspective.

When We Refer to You

  • A family or individual is in need of your services!
  • You have information that could help a family or group of individuals
  • A family is provided with options and choose where to get services
  • Future recommendations are based on family feedback

Request a Training

Please use the Contact form below and provide a brief description of the training you would like Matrix to provide.

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