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Celebrating Dads / Celebrando a los Papás

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We hope you all had a wonderful Juneteenth Day celebration AND a great Father’s Day.

As a tribute to all of the amazing dads everywhere, we would like to re-share a special “Wisdom of the Dads” issue of our June 2017 Express.[UNIQID]

Esperamos que todos hayan tenido una maravillosa celebración del Día del Decimosexto Y un gran Día del Padre. Como tributo a todos los increíbles papás de todo el mundo, nos gustaría volver a compartir un número especial de “La sabiduría de los papás” de nuestro Express de junio de 2017.

Since 2020, we have partnered with Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) to serve 28 counties in California’s Region 5.

Matrix will continue to focus our services, including our Family Empowerment Center services, on the counties closer to our home in Marin County.