Check out these wonderful resources from FRCNCA’s Early Start Newsletter
Resources for Families – August 2022

Action for Happiness Self Care – Altruistic August Calendar
Action for Happiness is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. The calendar is available in more than 10 languages.
Helpful Tips for Combination Feeding has helpful tips for participants who are combination feeding and may be questioning how to feed their baby during the infant formula shortage.
Backyard Camping Video from Sesame Street
Trying something new or different can feel a little scary for young children (and grown-ups, too!) This new animation, which was written, produced, and animated by a team of artists on the autism spectrum, features Julia and her family as they practice a comforting “draw it out” strategy on their backyard camping trip.
A Coping Skills Book for Kinship Care Families
A Grandfamily for Sullivan is a therapeutic story, designed with soothing imagery and sensitive language to help children cope with life after adverse childhood experiences (ACES). More than a story, it empowers young people to take control of their mental health. Included is a list of remarkable people who have been raised by grandparents or relatives, additional coping techniques for children, and trauma-informed parenting guidance. (This is a book for purchase)
Transcend (mobile app to assist with recovery after mass violence)
The National Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) provides resources specific to preparing for and rebuilding from a mass violence event. Resources such as Transcend (mobile app to assist with recovery after mass violence) and other resources on rebuilding a community after a mass violence event can be found on the website.
Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
The document details 10 different rights that should be afforded to airline passengers with disabilities including the right to be treated with dignity and respect, the right to accessible airport facilities, the right to receive assistance at airports and on aircraft, the right to travel with an assistive device or service animal and the right to receive seating accommodations, among others.Enhancing and Practicing Executive Functioning Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence
While there are many ways to teach and strengthen executive function skills, it’s important to remember that they develop over time, the author says. Because a brain isn’t fully formed until children reach their mid-20s, it’s just not possible, or developmentally appropriate, to expect a 3-year-old to sit still and learn. “You have to meet children where they are,”.