Children’s Mental Health
Treating Symptoms of Trauma in Children and Teenagers and Tratar los síntomas de trauma en niños y adolescentes
English and Spanish shared by CPIR (Center for Parent Information & Resources)
Treating Symptoms of Trauma in Children and Teenagers
The 2022 Children’s Mental Health Report looks at the effects of psychological trauma on kids and reviews the evidence for treatments aimed at helping them recover. From the Child Mind Institute, 15 pages.

Children’s Mental Health: A National Family Guide
This 26-page guide from the RAISE Center is packed with helpful info about mental health and a multitude of resources for families. Topics discussed include what parents and professionals need to know about mental health, when to get help, diagnosis, medication, supports and services, schools and mental health, state agencies, and much more.

Tratar los síntomas de trauma en niños y adolescentes
El Informe de salud mental infantil de 2022 analiza los efectos del trauma psicológico en los niños y revisa la evidencia de los tratamientos destinados a ayudarlos a recuperarse. Del Child Mind Institute, 15 páginas.