Do you care for someone with a disability? Do you have a disability?
Come share your story with Marin Aging and Disablity Institute (MADI)
Marin Aging and Disability Institute is looking for about 5 older adults and 5 people with and/or caregivers of people with disabilities to share their lived experiences.
Sign up for a 20 minute slot between 10:00am and 2:00pm
December 14, 2023
37 Tamalpais Avenue, San Anselmo, CA*
Download event flyer
*Street Parking. Driveway available to allow for drop offs. Ramp in the back of the house.
We will be filming and using snippets of their stories for Ableism and Ageism Community Education for staff and residents of the town of San Anselmo. The goal of our project (funded by California Department of Aging), is to improve the quality of life for older adults and people with disabilities living in San Anselmo.
Contact: Maria D. Rodriguez, Director
Marin Aging and Disability Institute
(415) 902-8166