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Having Fun AND Raising Money to Fund Valuable Services is a WIN/WIN!

Home » News and Events » Community News and Events » What's Happening » Having Fun AND Raising Money to Fund Valuable Services is a WIN/WIN!

The Mighty Milers program means so much to our families. We are grateful for the support from our sponsors who helped make this event possible: Morton & Bassett Spices, W. Bradley Electric, Inc. (WBE), The Swain Center, Campbell Wellman, Arnold Advocacy, Langtech, and The Santa Rosa Marathon.

A big THANK YOU goes out to Sarah Ponsford, our Board Treasurer, who organized so much of this event. We were also fortunate to have awesome coaches, Mark Drafton and Natalie Pesce, training and conditioning the runners, and wonderful volunteers helping out. Of course our fantastic Mighty Milers showed up in full force and ran the race with bravado. What a fun and full day for all.