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Individual Transition Plans: presented by Marin County Special Education Advisory Committee presents

Home » News and Events » Community News and Events » What's Happening » Individual Transition Plans: presented by Marin County Special Education Advisory Committee presents

Resources and guidelines that will assist transition-age youth identify and move toward their postsecondary goals in the area of employment.

MAY 22, 2023, 9 AM – 11 AM

Click here to download flyer on Individual Transition Plans: presented by Marin County Special Education Advisory Committee

There is Spanish translation but participants need give notice of need 48 hours ahead of the day of presentation. Contact Marin County SELPA SEAC for information: 415-499-5875

Join a virtual workshop designed for parents, guardians,
and educators interested in gathering resources
and guidance related to the following aspects of
transition planning for students with disabilities:

  • Education and Training
  • Independent Living
  • Compliance
The Marin County Special Education Advisory Committee presents INDIVIDUAL TRANSITION PLANS