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Know Your Accessible Voting Rights

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Marin CIL (Center for Independent Living) is hosting a 2024 California Primary & Know Your Accessible Voting Rights webinar!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 12:00pm
Click here to register in advance

This is a great reminder about voting information, an opportunity to ask questions of election professionals and prepare to cast your ballot.

The Power of the Disability Vote!
California Presidential Primary February 5th - March 5th, 2024 Accessible Voter Education Information

Read more about the topics below in the Marin CIL newsletter, The Power of the Disability Vote!

  • 2024 Election Schedule
  • Breaking Barriers to Voter Access
  • Registering to Vote
  • Voting While Conserved
  • Voter Education and Information Guide
  • Voting in a Political Party Primary
  • Candidates on the Ballot
  • Ballot Measures on the Ballot
  • Election Security Information