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Lanterman Housing Alliance Needs Your Help!

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Please help the Lanterman Housing Alliance and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities gather data on housing needs of folks in our communities!

The Lanterman Housing Alliance, in partnership with the Corporation for Supportive Housing and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, has created a survey to gather data on the housing needs of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) living in California. You are being asked to take this survey because of your unique insights related to this issue.

Your answers will help LHA craft a statewide strategic framework that will be used by policymakers, service providers, and housing developers to better create affordable housing opportunities for this population.

At the start of the survey you will be asked to identify which category of stakeholder you fall into. If you don’t fall exactly into any listed category, but you are still knowledgeable on the subject, please identify yourself as an “advocate.”

This short survey should take no longer than 20 minutes to finish. Please forward this email to any relevant stakeholders in California.

Lastly, if you are a service provider, service coordinator, or family member/friend of a person with I/DD, we encourage you to assist them as needed in completing the survey. The direct opinions and ideas of people with I/DD on this subject matter is essential to informing the process of creating a statewide strategic framework to increase housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of this important segment of our community.

Thank you. If you have any questions or need help, please email us at Your question will be answered as soon as possible.


The Lanterman Housing Alliance

Click here to participate in the Survey.

Thanks for being part of our community.

State Council on Developmental Disabilities