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LINK CORRECTION for Virtual Question & Answers on COVID-19, Schools & Vaccines with Pediatrician, Noemi Spinazzi, MD

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Please join DREDF (Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund) on Friday, April 9, 2021, from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm to hear from Dr. Noemi Spinazzi.

Register and submit questions for the Zoom Question and Answers using this CORRECTED LINK.

Dr. Spinazzi is a member of the UC San Francisco Collaborative to Advise on Re-opening Education Safely, and will share the latest on safely reopening and what we should consider when making the decision to send our children back to school.

She is a primary care physician at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland. She has a special interest in children with complex care needs and developmental disabilities, and she founded a specialized clinic serving patients with Trisomy 21. She works closely with California Children’s Services and with the East Bay Special Needs Committee.