Nami Marin has expanded Family Support Group offerings across Marin County / Nami Marin ha ampliado las ofertas de grupos de apoyo familiar en todo el Condado de Marin.
Click here to read more about Nami Marin (National Alliance on Mental Illness, Marin County). Read their e-newsletter for details.
Haga clic aquí para leer más sobre Nami Marin (Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales, Condado de Marin). Hay grupos de habla hispana disponibles. Ver su boletín electrónico.

English-Speaking Family Support Groups
San Rafael: In-Person
Every Wednesday from 7pm – 8:30pm
Location: 555 Northgate Drive, San Rafael
NEW! Point Reyes: Online
Every Friday from 12pm -1:30pm
NEW! Marin City: In-Person
Every Friday, starting April 7th, from 6pm-7:30pm
Location: First Missionary Baptist Church: 501 Drake Ave. Marin City
Spanish-Speaking Family Support Groups
San Rafael: In-Person
The first and third Thursday of each month from 7pm-8:30pm
Location: 555 Northgate Drive, San Rafael
NEW! Canal District: In-Person
Every Saturday from 10am-11:30am
Location: Canal Alliance: 91 Larkspur St. San Rafael