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The Nika Project Recycles Old Mobile Tech Tools

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The Nika Project spreads the power of technology in the world of special education.

Don’t know what to do with your old mobile technology tools? Here is an opportunity to share the power of technology to children with special needs worldwide through the Nika Project.

The Nika Project spreads the power of technology in the world of special education in places such as South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, and Dubai. Please consider donating any mobile equipment that you no longer use to the Nika Project. Click here to donate.

 Dan Phillips, director of the Technology Resource Center of Marin, is collecting any mobile technology tools – from iOS to Android and other tablets. The only requirement is that it needs to be in working order, he can, however, accept cracked or damaged screens. If you have power chargers, please include them. If you don’t have them, no problem, he can still accept all equipment. Thanks for all your good work Dan!