November 29, Save the Date!
November 29, 2022 is #GivingTuesday, a global movement to inspire giving.
On this day, the Matrix community will come together for 24 hours of unprecedented giving to help cover the costs of Individualized Education Program (IEP) services for more families of children with disabilities. With proper funding, Matrix can develop and deliver more IEP trainings for all parents and translation services for our Spanish-speaking families.

As you know, Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering families of children with special needs to successfully understand and access the systems that serve them. As a cherished member of the Matrix Network, we want to thank you for the generous support you’ve given in the past. Today we graciously ask that you consider making a special #GivingTuesday donation to Matrix on or before November 29, so we can extend our services to more families of children with disabilities.
Please help us reach our $5,000 goal on GivingTuesday and forward this message to as many people in your network that you can. Remember that employee matching programs are a wonderful way to double your impact!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to receive live updates on #GivingTuesday! Find out more by visiting our website.
With gratitude,
Colleen Arnold, Ed.D
Board President
Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center