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OSEP Discipline & Behavior Guidance Webinar

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Please join Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSEP) staff on November 3rd at 12pm Pacific time (3pm EST) for a presentation and discussion regarding the Department’s recently released, Guidance to Help Schools Support Students with Disabilities and Avoid Disparities In the Use of Discipline.

Wednesday, November 3rd at 12:00 PM Pacific time (3:00PM EST)
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A general overview of the guidance package will be presented and key topics will be discussed, including informal removals and longstanding practices that have resulted in high rates of exclusionary discipline for children with disabilities, particularly children with disabilities of color. Additionally, technical assistance resources will be shared to support OSEP’s goal of shifting from an overreliance on exclusionary discipline to one of prevention and proactive attention to address the behavioral needs of children with disabilities.

OSEP will highlight three documents within the guidance package: