Register Today for the May 2023 California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats
The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) invites you to register and participate in the May 2023 California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chat.
SCDD encourages those who are interested to join in the conversation!

This month’s topic: I Care About Myself: Showing Self-Kindness
- Why: Provide a safe space for self-advocates throughout California to talk about topics and issues that are important to them. Resources and information on chat topic(s) are shared with participants through email.
- When: The last Wednesday of each month.
The May 2023 California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chat will be held on Wednesday, May 31st @ 11:00 A.M.
Zoom session details and registration:
Meeting ID: 876 8443 5270
Passcode: 834773
Call-in Number: 669-900-9128