Sibshop offerings, Peer Support and Information for Siblings
Matrix Sibshops – More in 2024
Sibshops provides siblings with peer support and information in a fun recreational setting. Kids will play games, meet other siblings who “get it” and have a chance to talk about the good and not so good parts of having a family member with a disability. Come once or every time!

Other Resources for Siblings
Check out the website created by local teen (and Sibshop volunteer) Anya Ryan. It’s a wonderful resource for siblings and anyone interested in supporting them, inspired by her own experience as a sib.
SibTeen is a Facebook group where teenage sibs of people with disabilities can connect with others who get it. It’s a fun and thoughtful group where members share unique concerns, joys, frustrations, and information with others who truly understand! SibTeen is co-hosted by the Sibling Support Project and Siblings Australia.