Sign up for our February Sibshops event!
Sibshops offer FREE support, friendship and fun! For siblings ages 7-12 of children with special needs.
Sibshops provide a safe space for young brothers and sisters, who have a sibling with a disability, to get peer support and information. In a lively recreational setting, Sibshops connect siblings living in similar situations using play and storytelling. They provide children opportunities to express and share feelings and thoughts about their sibling with a disability.

This is an event just for siblings. Parents, we will see you for drop-off and pick-up. Come spend time with other siblings that ‘get it’!
Saturday, February 11, 2023
10am – 2pm
lunch provided
At our Matrix office:
2400 Las Gallinas Ave, Suite 100
San Rafael, CA
(415) 844-3535
- March 18
- April 22
- May 20