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Special Education in Marin County: Candidates for Marin County Superintendent of Schools

Home » News and Events » Community News and Events » What's Happening » Special Education in Marin County: Candidates for Marin County Superintendent of Schools

Join Dedication to Special Education, a community partnership supporting special education in Marin County, for a discussion with the Candidates for
 Marin County Superintendent of Schools.

Thursday, May 26th 6:30-8:00pm
Marin County Office of Education
111 Las Galinas Ave, San Rafael, CA

Participating Candidates

  • John Carroll
  • Michele Crncich Hodge

Spanish Translation available

To Submit Questions

Please submit questions for the candidates to
The deadline for submitting questions is 8pm on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Questions for the forum will be preselected from submissions received and should pertain to the topic of special education. Thank you.