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Summer and Sensory Processing Issues

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How to help kids stay comfortable in what can be overstimulating outdoor activities

Kids Playing in Fountain

Check out this article by Rae Jacobson, from the Child Mind Institute, with useful tips for helping your child with sensory processing issues…

For many kids, summer vacation holds the promise of months of school-free fun. But for children with sensory processing issues, summer can be a challenging time.

From the sand on the beach to the fireworks on the Fourth of July, the season is full of exciting but potentially difficult experiences. An unfamiliar playground, a visit to an amusement park, a messy ice cream cone: all involve sensory surprises that can be overwhelming or upsetting if a child is unusually sensitive to light, noise, and tactile sensations. But with some preparation and planning parents can help kids with sensory issues get the most out of summertime.

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