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Urgent Action Needed Today

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Our good friend, Andrew Ownby, Assistant Superintendent Solano County SELPA,  has an action item for you today and/or tomorrow:

The California State Budget Conference Committee is meeting at this moment to discuss special education funding.

The Assembly budget proposal included a $200 million dollar increase to special education funding that was not included in the Senate Budget proposal.  The conference committee will decide what gets put forward in the final budget proposal.

We need you to act now!!!  Pick up the phone and call the Conference Committee Members’ individual office and respectfully ask them to support AB 3136 AND

All we need you to say is, “I’m calling to ask (Assemblyperson ____ or Senator ___ ) to please adopt the Assembly version of the budget which includes $200 million for special education equalization.”

There are only 10 committee members to contact (see below).  At less than 1 minute per call, we are asking for about 10 minutes of your time and that time could make the difference!!!

Letters/email are ok, too, but time is of the essence, and we need them to hear your requests.

Please send this message to parents and colleagues in your district – we need every voice to be heard!

Thank you!!!

PS – if you get a response that the legislator does not represent our area, remind them that there are kids with disabilities in every district, the legislator represents the entire State in the Conference Committee, this is a State-wide issue and their constituents need their support.


Phil Ting, SF, 916-319-2019
Joaquin Arambula, Fresno 916-319-2031
Richard Bloom, Santa Monica 916-319-2050
Rocky Chavez, Oceanside 916-319-2076
Jay Obernolte, Hesperia 916-319-2033


Holly J. Mitchell, LA 916-651-4030
Nancy Skinner, Oakland, Berkely, Alameda 916-651-4009
Richard Roth, Riverside 916-651-4031
John M.W. Moorlach, Costa Mesa 916-651-4037
Jim Nielsen, Roseville, Yuba 916-651-4004