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Who Is Most At Risk To Extreme Heat?

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Learn more at National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS)

Diagram showing at risk communities

This will be continuously updated by (NIHHIS)

“Extreme temperatures associated with heat waves can make everyone uncomfortable. When combined with conditions such as high humidity, sun exposure, stagnant air, and poor air quality, high temperatures can also become a health concern. Some groups face a greater risk of heat-related illness than others. For instance, outdoor workers and athletes are at greater risk than office workers because they have increased exposure to heat. Other groups may be disproportionately affected by the effects of high heat as a result of age or poor health, or the lack of resources that enable them to adapt or recover. Identifying specific factors that increase risk for some populations gives us a way to reduce exposure and vulnerability through adaptive actions. In some cases, simply increasing awareness of the risks that extreme heat poses to health can encourage people to take adaptive actions, such as going indoors or getting to a cooling center.

Groups most at risk to heat include, but are not limited to: children, older adults, people experiencing homelessness, people with pre-existing conditions, people with disabilities, indoor and outdoor workers, emergency responders, incarcerated people, low income communities, pregnant people, athletes, and more.

This page will be continually updated to correspond with the NIHHIS “Overlooked and Overburdened’ webinar series.”