Your generosity as an event sponsor and/or volunteer helps to shape the stories of so many local families and children with special needs! Your participation in all forms brings us together as a community. As a result of your support, Matrix continues to serve more families through expanded outreach and informational sessions. When a family finds us, they often find a missing part to their story. Together, we will find hope, and make the special needs journey a little less daunting.
2024 Inclusive Santa Sighting / Avistamiento de Santa inclusivo en 2024

Event Time and Location
December 7, 2024
Saturday, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Cypress School Primary Campus
3880 Cypress Drive Suite A Petaluma
Hora y lugar del evento
7 de Diciembre de 2024
Sábado, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Phone 415-867-2881
Website www.ucpnb.org

Inclusive Santa 2023
The Inclusive Santa event was filled with fun and festivities. It was held at the Cypress School in Petaluma. Thanks to our generous event sponsors, hosts and volunteers, we met our goal of raising 10K for Inclusive Santa. All profits will go to support Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center programs.
Thank you to our sponsors: Hennessy Funds • Spectrum Surf Camp • Project Awareness and Special Sports • Dedication to Special Education • The Connected Parent • Law Office of Alexis Lynch.
We also thank our event hosts: Cypress Primary School • United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay • Matrix Parent Network • Marin Center for Independent Living • Common Ground Society • Arnold Advocacy and all who volunteered their time to lend a hand….and of course, Santa and his elf!

Santa’s helpers from Matrix Parent Network, Julie Feliz and family, Keely Hamilton and family, Erika Erzberger and Hill Pashalides.
Santa shared person-to-person well wishes and had heart-to-heart chats with many children who attended. Gus’s mom reports, “Gus told Santa, ‘My heart was happy all day. I’m so excited to see you.’ And Santa said back to him, ‘My heart is so happy to see you.’”
A special thank you to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program for donating the toys! Happy Holidays!

Leer en Español
2023 Inclusive Santa Sighting! Capture the magic of a sensory friendly Santa coming to the Northbay!

Sign up for our holiday parade! See Santa on a horse-pulled carriage, get professional (and safe) photos, and receive a gift from us to you!
- Saturday December 2, 2023
- 2 pm to 5 pm
- 3880 Cypress Drive Suite A
- Petaluma, CA 94954
- Understanding Santa on his horse-drawn sleigh
- Inclusive event for children of all abilities and ages
- Siblings Welcome! – It’s a family affair!
- Exciting Gifts for All
- Several professional photo opportunities base on comfort
- Therapy Dogs
This event is FREE. A $20 donation includes raffle entry. Learn more about Inclusive Santa 2023 here.
Generously hosted by:

Want to help out with any of the things listed below?

- Checking Families In
- Helping with Refreshments
- Help with Sensory Support Tools
- Handing out Gifts
- Managing Parking
- Sign Language Interpretation
- Outdoor Event
- Safe Distancing COVID precautions taken (tests available on-site)

- You’re our STAR! $2,000+ Donation
- Thanks, Santa! $1,000 Donation
- Mrs. Claus makes it happen! $500 Donation
- The Elf, Himself! $250 Donation
- ReIndeers Rule! $100 Donation
- Custom Donation
All donations and proceeds go to Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center.
Thank you to our Event Sponsors!
- Hennessy Funds
- Spectrum Surf Camp
- Project Awareness and Special Sports
- Dedication to Special Education
- The Connected Parent
- Law Office of Alexis Lynch

With the challenge of COVID we are committed to provide a safe activity for our children with disabilities and their families! Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment, this is how we keep this event low-stress. Park as directed by our volunteers. Professional photos will be taken with Santa and his horse drawn carriage, as well as with our outdoor festive holiday backdrop!
Gifts are provided thanks to our generous donors, for ALL children. You may select your gifts from our elf hosted wagons on your way out. Please note your choice of gift type in the sign ups. Each family should sign up FOR ONLY ONE SLOT. If you have individualized accessibility needs, please email colleen@arnoldadvocacy.com with any questions or requests! Interested in donating to help keep the magic alive AND be interested into our raffle? All proceeds benefit Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center. Come visit our tables hosted by our community partners, Marin Center for Independent Living, Common Ground Society, and Dedication to Special Education!
Support for Matrix Mighty Milers = Support for Matrix Programs
Thank you Santa Rosa Marathon, Ventures Endurance and Santa Rosa Sports Basement for supporting Matrix Mighty Milers!

En Español
¡Regístrese para una cita para ver Inclusive Santa 2023!
Este es un evento inclusivo para niños de todos los niveles y edades; hermanos bienvenidos.
¡Se han abierto algunos NUEVOS espacios para conocer a Inclusive Santa!
Este evento es GRATIS. Una donación de $20 incluye la entrada a la rifa. Conozca más sobre Papá Noel Inclusivo 2023 aquí.

Generosamente alojado por

¡Avistamiento inclusivo de Papá Noel 2023! ¡Capture la magia de un Papá Noel sensorialmente amigable que llega a Northbay!
- Entendiendo a Papá Noel en su trineo tirado por caballos
- Evento inclusivo para niños de todos los niveles y edades.
- ¡Hermanos bienvenidos! – ¡Es un asunto de familia!
- Regalos emocionantes para todos
- Varias oportunidades para tomar fotografías profesionales basadas en la comodidad.
- Perros de terapia
¿Quieres ayudar con alguna de las cosas que se enumeran a continuación?
- Registro de familias
- Ayudar con refrescos
- Ayuda con herramientas de apoyo sensorial
- Entrega de regalos
- Gestión del aparcamiento
- Interpretación de lengua de signos
- Evento al aire libre
- Se tomaron precauciones de distanciamiento seguro ante la COVID (pruebas disponibles en el sitio)
- ¡Eres nuestra ESTRELLA! $2,000+ Donación
- ¡Gracias Papá Noel! Donación de $1,000
- ¡La señora Claus lo hace posible! Donación de $500
- ¡El elfo mismo! Donación de $250
- ¡Los renos gobiernan! Donación de $100
- Donación personalizada
Todas las donaciones y ganancias se destinan a Matrix Parent Network y Resource Center.
¡Con el desafío del COVID estamos comprometidos a brindar una actividad segura para nuestros niños con discapacidad y sus familias! Llegue a tiempo a su cita programada. Así es como mantenemos este evento sin estrés. Estacione según las indicaciones de nuestros voluntarios. ¡Se tomarán fotografías profesionales con Santa y su carruaje tirado por caballos, así como con nuestro fondo festivo al aire libre!Los obsequios se proporcionan gracias a nuestros generosos donantes, para TODOS los niños.
Puede seleccionar sus regalos de nuestros vagones alojados por elfos al salir. Tenga en cuenta su elección del tipo de regalo en los registros. Cada familia debe inscribirse PARA SÓLO UN LUGAR.Si tiene necesidades de accesibilidad individualizadas, envíe un correo electrónico a colleen@arnoldadvocacy.com si tiene alguna pregunta o solicitud. ¿Está interesado en donar para ayudar a mantener viva la magia Y estar interesado en nuestra rifa? Todos los ingresos benefician a Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center. ¡Ven a visitar nuestras mesas organizadas por nuestros socios comunitarios, Marin Center for Independent Living, Common Ground Society, y Dedication to Special Education!
Soporte para Matrix Mighty Milers = Soporte para programas Matrix
¡Gracias Santa Rosa Marathon, Ventures Endurance y Santa Rosa Sports Basement por apoyar a Matrix Mighty Milers!