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Twice Exceptional

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Twice Exceptional Students

Students who are advanced in some learning areas and challenged in others (or, “twice-exceptional/2E”) have a unique profile of significant strengths and weaknesses. They may have behavior issues.  Sometimes they may have an IEP (Individual Education Plan). Some examples of learning area challenges:

  • Students with behavioral challenges such as difficulty focusing, self control issues, and defiance of classroom rules and procedures.
  • Students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or visual or auditory processing difficulties.
  • Limited English Proficient Students are often enrolled in READ 180 or System 44 to help support their acquisition of English, but may be advanced in math.

If a 2e student is advanced in one subject area, he/she can be considered ALPS in a single subject.  Doing this may help them work within their strength area and may motivate them to persevere in their areas of challenge.  Read More

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