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The Six Essential Resources for Transition to Adulthood

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Transition to Adulthood Resource Guide

Transition to Adulthood Home > About Six Essential Resources > Roadmap > County Specific Resources

Explore these resources and learn about the services available to assist in your Transition to Adulthood Process.

Best practice is to begin exploration at age 14 (or even 12); IDEA law stipulates a transition plan must be in place by the student’s 16th birthday:

Read more on about Sec. 300.43 Transition services

Read’s information on The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Secondary Transition

1. Please explore CA Transition Alliance,, for abundant resources, including:

  • Webinars
  • Sample vocational, life skills and other transition assessments
  • Transition standards and legislation
  • Federal and state inter-agency links
  • Housing information
  • Career preparation
  • Work based experiences

Secondary Transition Planning: The Basics by CA Transition Alliance – is still considered by Transition to Adulthood specialists as a most important resource for transition: (PDF)

2. These CA Department of Education resources compliment the CA Transition Alliance’s document: Highlighting six categories: Employment, Education and Training, Independent Living, Compliance, Guidepost for Success and Employment First.

3. The United States Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSHERS)

4. NTACT (National Technical Assistance Center on Transition):

5. SIP (Supporting Inclusive Practices) provides technical assistance, within the California System of Supp Read their newsletter, The Special EDge: Winter/Spring 2023

6. Center for Parent Information & Resources:

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